Temescal UEFC-4900 Deposition System
Maximum Throughtput in Lift-Off ProcessesThe Temescal UEFC-4900 with Auratus is the compace version of the UEFC-5700.
It represents the ultimate mid-sized coater for lift-off processes. The source-to-
substrate distance and chamber angles in the UEFC-4900 have been optimized for
150mm wafers and the system supports 25 x 150mm wafers.
The load locked product chamber is pumped by a CTI model CT-500 cryogenic pump.
Powerful cryopumps make it possible to pump this large chamber in 15 minutes from
atmosphere to pressures in the range of 10E-7. During wafer exchanges, the source
chamber is maintained at high vacuum by the independent pumping of a dedicated
10-inch cryopump.